Hi, I'm Bruce Kasanoff, the world’s most visible (short-form) ghostwriter.

Ghostwriters are typically in the back, in the dark… anonymous. No one knows when they are at work, with the exception of their client.

That’s certainly true of me. All my clients are 100% confidential.

But I was also one of the first 100 people who could write on LinkedIn. It would be accurate to say that for three years, I was one of the only people writing on that platform who wasn’t famous. So I worked incredibly hard to serve others and attract readers.

Today, I’m fortunate to have over 800,000 followers on LinkedIn who value the type of posts I am sharing on this page. You can get a sense of my writing abilities by checking out the many dozens of posts I’ve shared below.

By the way, short-form ghostwriting means newsletter articles, short essays and social media posts that you can read in five minutes or less.

If you want to bring more clarity and style to your writing—or if you would simply prefer to talk rather than type—I’d love to be of service to you.


 Life Tips


Fiction (very short stories)