Give Away Good Ideas

The basic idea: The secret to success in social media is to give valuable ideas away for free. Help without getting paid, and in the long run you will make more, not less.

Explanation: This concept terrifies some people,, because they think that if they give away all their best ideas, they will have nothing of value to sell.

The truth is that you will have much more of value to sell, because you will have more credibility, more contacts, and more people who are interested in what you have to say.

If you don’t believe me, ask Guy Kawasaki, Seth Godin, or anyone who has built a viable, online media business over the past decade. The more you give away, the more people want to buy from you.

It’s crazy, but true.

As a ghostwriter serving entrepreneurs, I give away a ton of free content, but I also spend zero on advertising, never engage in outbound selling (which I despise), and always have a full client roster.

Example: Please click on the image below, and you’ll see an entire book I posted online for free, no strings attached. What’s in it for me? I get more visitors to my website, some of whom hire me as a ghostwriter for five figures a year; that’s much more valuable to me than selling a book.