Is Your Boss a Bully?

Chesi - Fotos CC/Flickr

Chesi - Fotos CC/Flickr

When I'm feeling cynical, I sometimes wonder whether "the meek shall inherit the Earth" actually means that bullies with limited intelligence are the one who most often get promoted.

In the professional world, much of what passes for motivation would be more accurately labelled as scare tactics. "If you don't make this {business goal}, you can say goodbye to your ."

Managers who favor this sort of scare tactic tend to use it quite often because they don't actually know how to inspire others. So day after day at work, you may hear veiled threats disguised as motivational quotes.

If this is the case, I am so sorry for you. 

Fear occasionally works when brute force alone is enough to reach a target. If 500 sales calls will produce the 25 customers a salesperson needs, then scaring him or her may work.

But if your performance depends on talent, creativity, or intelligence, fear will be counter productive.

Of course, there's a reason why your local bully, I mean manager, resorts to large quantities of ineffective motivation: it's easier than creating high-quality motivation.

To truly motivate a person, you have to understand that person. Does s/he care most about external or internal validation? Would s/he prefer fame or fortune, authority or independence?

Too often, businesses assume that money is what motivates people. Yes, we all need money to survive. But for many of us, money is not what motivates us

Pride, respect, intellectual challenge, purpose, helping others, social connection and curiosity all motivate me far more than money.

By the way, I understand that in business and life, frightening things happen. As grownups, we have to deal with reality and confront our fears.

But when a manager or "leader" tries to use fear to motivate certain behaviors, well that is another animal entirely. Just because someone has a bigger title than you, they don't get to act like a bully.

Unless, of course, you let them.