Three Biggest Distractions

Let's get right to the point. According to Michael Singer, author of Life Untethered, your three greatest distractions are:

  • Your emotions

  • Your thoughts

  • What happens in the world around you

Wait a minute... these three elements basically comprise the sum total of our daily existence. How can they be distractions?

The implication is that "you" are none of these things, that you exist at a more fundamental level.

The good news is: I can prove it.

Take five minutes at the end of this paragraph to sit quietly in a room by yourself. Turn off all your devices, so nothing can interrupt you. Empty your mind of thoughts and emotions. Just be totally still. Do it now.


Welcome back! Did you cease to exist? When you eliminated your emotions, thoughts and the outside world, did "you" disappear?

Of course not.

There is more to you than these three elements. To be precise, your most profound truths lie beyond those "distractions". They exist at a deeper level.

Singer suggests that when you more past these distractions and achieve a deep level of inner clarity, every moment that unfolds before you exists for you to serve it.

"The highest life you can live is when every single moment that passes before you is better off because of it. Serve the present moment with all your heart and soul. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone did that."